Reforma Valorizou Imóvel

Reforma Valoriza Imóvel

Categoria Residencial


A premissa foi mínima intervenção na casa antiga, menor impacto ambiental e preservar as Palmeiras plantadas pelos avôs. Para isso a proposta adotou o Sistema Construtivo Racional e materiais recicláveis na Sala de TV com portas deslizantes, Suíte com acesso à Piscina e Hidromassagem aquecidas com Gás Natural ou Energia Solar. As janelas em L na Sala com pé direito duplo, aumentam o conforto ambiental e se integram ao jardim com as Palmeiras, a família amou! As confraternizações nos fundos onde a Cozinha se integra à Varanda Gourmet com Lareira de Chão. Conseguimos modernizar e valorizar o imóvel nesta pequena reforma.

Reform values Property

The premise was minimal intervention in the old house, less environmental impact and preserving the Palm trees planted by the grandfathers. For this, the proposal adopted the Rational Building System and recyclable materials in the TV Room with sliding doors, Suite with access to the Pool and Whirlpool heated with Natural Gas or Solar Energy. The L-shaped windows in the living room, with double height, increase environmental comfort and are integrated into the garden with palm trees, the family loved it! The get-togethers in the back where the Kitchen is integrated to the Gourmet Balcony with Floor Fireplace. We managed to modernize and value the property in this small renovation.

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