Integrar com Conforto


Categoria Residencial


A premissa foi integrar com conforto. A proposta criou a Suíte com Closet e escritório para o filho e o Ateliê de Artes da mãe no piso superior, privacidade longe da Piscina, Hidromassagem e do Salão de Jogos com fliperamas na frente do imóvel. No térreo, demolimos algumas paredes e com mínima intervenção aumentamos o bem estar com luz e ventilação natural. Criamos 02 Suítes com Closet, integramos as novas Salas, Cozinha com ilha e a Varanda Gourmet com brises deslizantes e jardins com espécies, flores e aromas da Mata Atlântica. O Sistema Construtivo Racional, materiais recicláveis, aquecimento com Energia Solar reduziram os impactos ambientais, deixando nossos clientes muito satisfeitos!

Integriate with Comfort

The premise was to bring comfort to a huge property. The proposal created the Suite with Closet and office for the son and the mother’s Art Studio on the top floor, privacy away from the Pool, Whirlpool and Games Room with arcades in front of the property. On the ground floor, we demolished some walls and with minimal intervention we increased the well-being with natural light and ventilation. We created 02 Suites with Closet, integrated the new Rooms, Kitchen with island and the Gourmet Balcony with sliding brises and gardens with species, flowers and aromas of the Atlantic Forest. The Rational Building System, recyclable materials, heating with Solar Energy reduced environmental impacts, leaving our customers very satisfied!

Ligue Agora