Geminadas com Requinte


Categoria Residencial


A premissa para a Construtora era requinte nessas casas geminadas. A proposta com Arquitetura Contemporânea, Sistema Construtivo Racional usa materiais diferenciados que se destacam na Fachada. O Layout integrou Dormitório, Suíte, Salas e Cozinha com Lavanderia. Aberturas protegidas pelos beirais favorecem o conforto ambiental com luz e ventilação natural. O requinte no Banheiro Social com tinta lavável e Metro Write no Box foi fantástico, sendo vendidas na Planta e outra na construção para alegria da Construtora.

Semi-detached with Refinement

The premise for the Builder was refinement in these townhouses. The proposal with Contemporary Architecture, Rational Constructive System uses differentiated materials that stand out in the Facade. The Layout integrated Bedroom, Suite, Living Rooms and Kitchen with Laundry. Openings protected by the eaves favor environmental comfort with natural light and ventilation. The sophistication in the Social Bathroom with washable paint and Metro Write in the Box was fantastic, being sold in the Plant and another one in the construction to the delight of the Builder.

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